Thursday, January 12, 2017

Project Success

What is a mental disorder?

A mental disorder can be something that affects a person's thinking, emotional state and behavior
It can disrupt the person's ability to work or attend school, carry out daily activities or engage in satisfying relationships

How do you diagnose?

Books can be useful, they are used by professionals, social workers, forensic and legal specialists

Image result for mental disorder book

What is Anxiety?

There's good anxiety and problematic anxiety it's a normal response to certain situations
Good: Keeps you on your toes and makes you read like before a test or performance
Problematic: A persistent and severe or worry that becomes difficult to control or manage, it is often far more extreme. To be diagnosed you should have it for at least six months

What are some anxiety symptoms? 

Emotional symptoms: apprehension, difficulty concentrating, tense, nervous, being on edge, expecting the worst, restless, lack of sleep, watching for danger
Physical: upset stomach, nausea, hyperventilation, pounding heart, sweating

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When is anxiety bad?

Normal: keeps you aware and focused to help you complete tasks
Problematic: After getting through the test or performance, the anxiety continues or when it interferes with everyday tasks

What are the different types of anxiety?

General, Social, Specific Phobias, Panic Disorder and others like OCD and PTSD

What are some causes of anxiety?

Biological Reasons: Genetics, Substance abuse, Medical conditions/medications, Brain chemistry
Environmental Reasons: abuse, truama, high stress, violence
Life Circumstances: Significant losses, Divorce in family, Stressful situations, Unresolved family conflict

What is depression?

Either characterized by a depressed mood, lack of interest in activities that they once were really interested in

What are the symptoms?

Depressed mood, irritability, decreased interest or pleasure, change in sleep patterns, loss of weight or gain in weight, apathetic, guilt, worthlessness, feeling unworthy, difficulty in concentrating

Image result for symptoms of depression

What is the difference between sadness and depression?

Sadness: normal human response to events  Depression: No cause or reason

What causes depression?

Hereditary, Brain chemistry, Environment, Stress, Medication, Alcohol/Drugs

What are some treatment options?

Psychotherapy or medication, an accommodation of the two is the best option. To receive medication it requires a doctor visit

Why is it necessary to receive treatment?

Symptoms can worsen if there is no treatment which can cause problems at school, running away, social addiction, drug and alcohol abuse, reckless behavior, violence, low self esteem, self harm behaviors and suicide

What are the warning signs of suicide?

Giving away possessions, self harm, claiming that they will see dead relatives soon, someone with depression is suddenly really happy,  threats to hurt or kill themselves, saying they want to kill themselves, previous attempts, looking for guns or pills, writing goodbye letters,

Image result for suicidal warning


Question... A person about suicide
Persuade... The person to get help
Refer... The person to the appropriate resources

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